
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Van Badham and Ben Davison do the Week on Wednesday LIVE at Melbourne Fringe!
Complete with audience participation our hosts talk about tax cuts, neo-liberalism, Putin, Musk and good news about plastics coming out of the oceans!
Enjoy this very special episode of The Week on Wednesday.

Sunday Oct 09, 2022
Sunday Oct 09, 2022
Van Badham joins Ben Davison for The Weekend Wrap to discuss why Dutton's fantasies of improbable future wealth are not a good reason to keep stage three tax cuts- cuts that the Treasury advised were unaffordable if the budget was in deficit.
Van and Ben discuss Dutton's Insiders interview which showed how little he's been prepared to change from the dark days of the Morrison government. In addition to fantasies of improbable future wealth he rolled out religious culture wars as cover for bad corporate behaviour and fear mongering about Australian toddlers being secret terrorists.
After a decade of "let it rip" ideology smashing labour markets the NSW Labor Party is promising to regulate the gig economy. In what unions are calling a "win for workers and a level playing field for business" the reforms will see workers rights established regardless of the label stuck on the worker. Unions have been working across state and commonwealth jurisdictions to ensure workers get their rights whether they are direct employees, contractors, labour hire, full time, part time or casual. Join them at australianunions.org.au/wow
Van gives an update on the destruction of Putin's bridge from Russia to Crimea and what it might mean for Putin's war. Spoiler: He's not doing very well.
Van and Ben will be at the Melbourne Fringe THIS WEDNESDAY! Get you tickets here: www.melbournefringe.com.au/event/the-week-on-wednesday-live

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Van Badham and Ben Davison open by looking at the sweeping reforms of paid family and domestic violence leave and enshrining an employers responsibility to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace that the union movement in Australia has won and how women leaders make societies, and social movements, better (you can join at australianunions.org.au/wow).
Our hosts contrast this democratic advancement with the repressive regime in Iran and the violence that oppression of women in Iran has created.
The killing of Mahsa Amini and the weeks of violent clashes, government suppression, mass arrests and murders has some suggesting that the Iranian people have had enough of the theocratic regime. Van and Ben explore what's been happening, why it is happening and what might be next.
In Australia, disgraced former NAB CEO Andrew Thorburn has resigned as CEO of Essendon football club after 30 hours in the job. Van and Ben unpack how this multi-millionaire with powerful political connections, who was slammed by the banking royal commission, was engaged to review the club, managed to become CEO and when told he had to choose between his role as chairman of the "City on a hill church" or his paid employment at Essendon football club he chose to quit his job.
Warning: The rich, white, male, privileged whining that Thorburn has since embarked on gets thoroughly dismantled and his time as NAB CEO critically examined.
The good news is that Tanya Plibersek has announced the Albanese government's plan to prevent species extinction in Australia!
Also The Week on Wednesday LIVE! at Melbourne Fringe is happening on the 12th of October at Victorian Trades Hall and you can get tickets at www.melbournefringe.com.au/event/the-week-on-wednesday-live
Plus we give a shout out to all of our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters.

Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Ben Davison gives his view on Mark Dreyfus big week appointing the first female majority High Court in Australian history, introducing the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to parliament and appearing on Insiders to explain why he thinks they've got the balance right on public hearings.
Ben discusses the ups and downs of public hearings and how the union movement first passed a policy on a national anti-corruption Commission in 2015! You can join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
The RBA is likely to raise rates this week and Ben looks at how the unfunded tax rebates to the wealthy in the UK have caused an economic meltdown and what signal that sends Australia on the stage three tax cuts due in three budgets time.
The big news about COVID was national cabinet's decision to remove the five day isolation orders from mid-October. Ben looks at the Insiders analysis of the decision as well as the BIG spike in UK hospital admissions and wonders what might happen next.
Don't forget to get your tickets for the Week On Wednesday LIVE! at Melbourne Fringe on October 12th here: www.melbournefringe.com.au/event/the-week-on-wednesday-live

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Van Badham and Ben Davison are relieved by the huge agenda of the Labor commonwealth government and do a deep dive on the National Press Club speech by ACTU Secretary Sally McManus. Sally's speech explores how we came to the economic situation we are in, what we can do about it and why unions are naturally inclined to work with others to solve our shared problems. Van and Ben discuss the historical context, the values that drive economic justice or inequality and just what might happen next for Australia. You can join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
In Queensland the union movement has worked with the state Labor government to develop a ten year energy plan that includes a charter of worker's rights, moving to renewables and guarantees both jobs and lower carbon emissions! Van and Ben discuss how environmental outcomes and social outcomes align.
The Albanese government has introduced a federal ICAC, known as the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), with Peter Dutton having to accept that it will become law. Van and Ben discuss why the NACC is important to democracy and what happens when we don't maintain our democratic institutions.
Plus we shamelessly plug our Melbourne Fringe festival gig on October 12th, get your tickets here www.melbournefringe.com.au/event/the-week-on-wednesday-live and praise our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters who have become contributors at www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday

Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
"We don't have policies, we are in Opposition, not in Government" Jane Hume Coalition Finance spokesperson on Insiders. That simple statement, which the plethora of anti-union policies on the Liberal website suggests in not true, sums up a lack of care, interest or genuine commitment to improving Australia from the Dutton led Coalition.
Ben explores the Insider's interview, the Coalition policies that do exist, how the federal anti-worker approach has seeped into the NSW and Victorian Liberals and how it is putting them on the road to electoral oblivion.
Ben dives into the abolition of the cashless debit card, which mostly impacts communities in Western Australia, Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory and explores Labor's new programs for those impacted.
There will be a federal ICAC introduced to parliament this week and Ben discusses how that process is playing out, why Albo has an obligation to consult with the opposition and why instead of independants attacking Labor for doing so they should adopt Katherine Murphy's view of aiming for an ICAC "Everyone in parliament can support".
Plus a shoutout to the Maritime Union of Australia's 150th anniversary celebration in Melbourne, workers taking action and a reminder to join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow and to come along to The Week on Wednesday LIVE! at Melbourne Fringe on October 12th tickets here: melbournefringe.com.au/event/the-week-on-wednesday-live

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Van Badham and Ben Davison examine the revelations that Scott Morrison held 739 cabinet committee meetings where he was the only member of the committee to avoid public scrutiny over his lack of genuine policies.
Our hosts also offer solidarity to the workers who have been locked out, are taking action or have had to go on strike and encourage listeners to join their union at australianunions.org.au/wow and check out the funds to support locked out workers at https://knauf-lockout-fund.raisely.com/ and the NSW workers under attack from the Perrottet government at https://workers-fund.raisely.com/legaldefence
By contrast to Morrison's secret shadow government and Perrottet's anti-worker policies the Albanese Labor government is engaging across Australia on policy, budgets and reform. Van and Ben discuss what this means and why it is important for democracy.
The gig economy was let rip under Morrison and now Labor is tasked with how to regulate 21st century technology that has allowed 17th century working conditions to spread "like a cancer" through everything from transport and delivery to aged care and the NDIS. Van and Ben look at what's being done to protect workers rights and deliver sustainable services.
And of course Qantas and its many failings gets a mention as consumer advocates put forward ideas to end the cowboy behaviour of Alan Joyce.
Plus there is good news about carbon capturing kelp in WA and green hydrogen in Queensland!
Van also reads out the names of our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters who have gone to www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday to help us reach even more listeners.

Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Ben Davison makes the Weekend Wrap a "royal funeral free" zone and focuses on Insider's short coverage on the Reserve Bank's appearance at the parliamentary committee and the state of Australia's economy.
The RBA admits that a lack of worker power has made wage cuts and profiteering possible while CEO's and executives claim huge increases for their own pay increases. Meanwhile the bosses pamphlet (the Australian Financial Review) claims offshoring jobs will magically increase local wages, lottery tickets for aged care workers will relieve staff shortages and that insecure work isn't a problem but is a good thing!
Ben looks at the explosion in multiple jobs and how Australian's are now in a worse place than American workers and how California is moving ahead with multi-employer bargaining to improve worker wages.
As Australian workers, in union, continue to push to improve wages and conditions by changing the policy settings so if you want better wages and conditions join australianunions.org.au/wow

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Van Badham and Ben Davison discuss how the latest industrial action on New South Wales' rail network is a worker provided win for commuters and a revelation about the New South Wales Liberal government's ongoing state of chaos. Remember you can join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
New data shows that record numbers of workers in Australia hold down multiple jobs but still can't get ahead, which is why union campaigns for secure jobs remain so crucial.
Van runs through the analysis about how Russia went from the status of having "the second greatest army in the world" to barely being the second greatest army in Ukraine, and there's good news about air - on both Earth AND on Mars!
Plus we give shoutout to our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters from www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday and don't forget to get your tickets to see The Week on Wednesday LIVE! at Melbourne Fringe Festival.

Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Van Badham and Ben Davison discuss the big issues from the week in parliament, including the first climate legislation in a decade, family and domestic violence leave and the scrapping of the the multi-million dollar grant program to the governor-general's pet foundation, before the historic passing of Queen Elizabeth.
Van and Ben - both republicans - discuss why the passing of the Queen is a historic moment, the differences in Australian and British reactions, why Prime Minister Albanese's nuanced understanding of this moment as Australia makes our own way towards recognition & reconciliation was so important on Insiders and how the 73 year old King Charles III may, or may not, take his lifetime of environmental advocacy into his role as King.
While the last 70 years have seen a passive and unifying monarch on the throne, Ben and Van remind us that Elizabeth's kingly grandfather was a key player in the First World War, her kingly uncle abdicated while harbouring fascist sympathies and that while the United Kingdom is currently so very troubled it remains to be seen what role King Charles III will take in British life.