
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Episode 104: Qantas Gets Joyced, the Economy, and Dutton Goes Nuclear
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Van Badham and Ben Davison overcome their technology issues and meet online with Ben in Brisbane and Van back in Victoria. They discuss the ongoing corporate failure at Qantas, and a situation best described as an omnidirectional clusterJoyce. Meanwhile, Dutton's "Leftovers" on the Opposition benches have decided they now like workers, who themselves are having to take action to raise wages despite the nation experiencing full employment and rising productivity. Van and Ben dive into the murky waters used to cool the nuclear power stations seems to love so much, and the good news is about CRAB-POWERED BATTERIES!!!

Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Ben Davison gives a breakdown of the Jobs and Skills Summit. Looking at the outcomes, the positioning, the deal making and the politics behind the biggest step change in how Australia's economy is set up since the Howard era.
Australian Unions made huge progress towards multi-employer bargaining, tripartite decision making on the transition to net zero as well as skills and policies that improve access for women, workers with disabilities and migrant workers to better pay and secure employment.
Ben also looks at Brendan O'Connor's Insiders interview and the need for everyone to do more to support apprentices. You can join your union, whether you're an apprentice or not, at australianunions.org.au/wow
Peter Dutton and his Liberal Party decided not only to not attend but launched attack ads against the summit participants. Dutton and his team rolled out the same old attacks against workers and pretended to be concerned for small business while their big business lobbyist mates were attacking small businesses calling them "weak links" and accusing them of "betrayal".
Alan Joyce, Gerry Harvey and the usual gang of rent seekers have tried to undermine the summit outcomes because their business models are built on exploiting a system that is about to change.

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Episode 103: The jobs summit, wages, unequal pay day and tax cuts
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Van Badham and Ben Davison devote a BUMPER EPISODE to talking through: the modern Australian workplace ahead of Labor's Jobs and Skills Summit, the leadership of Sally McManus, Australian unions AND small business to get multi-employer bargaining back into the national discussion, and the *insane* suggestion of sending 13-year-olds into the workforce, and the origins of such a dopey idea. Ben and Van also share the personal stories of three workers, Janene, Chris and Paul, who are making the case for change. Like Janene, Chris and Paul you can become a member of your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
Unequal payday happened this week and the ACTU released a report showing how we can unlock $111Billion by empowering women in the workplace and closing the gender pay gap. Van and Ben examine some of the findings.
We also talk about the planned Stage 3 tax cuts, as per listener request, with our views on why they are bad, why they are not a pressing issue and why Dutton wants this to be the story instead of Jobs and Skills.
We talk about SO much stuff, in fact, that our good news story for the week (about polystyrene!) is going up on our supporter page at www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday

Sunday Aug 28, 2022
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
Ben Davison takes a look at the Morrison Inquiry's role in safeguarding our democracy, the Robodebt Royal Commission's role in safeguarding our social democracy and Sally McManus's ideas to get wages moving again. Start by joining your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
The government has announced an inquiry into Morrison's shredding of democratic convention to be conducted by a former High Court judge and Ben looks at why the Morrison supporters are squealing.
The Robodebt royal commission has been announced and Ben discusses why this needs to be a watershed moment for how we think about citizens in need of support.
Sally McManus, leader of the Australian Union movement, and Jennifer Westacott, head of the Business Council of Australia, were on Insiders debating proposals for bargaining reform, skills development and migration settings ahead of the Jobs and Skills Summit. Even Westacott admitted that workers on collective agreements get paid better!
Ben looks at some of the fake arguments that get used against collective bargaining and ow Michaelia Cash might have given us an unintentional insight into how the Coalition was deliberately keeping wages low.
Don't forget you can become a supporter of the podcast at www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday and get every episode emailed to you along with interesting links.

Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Van Badham and Ben Davison breakdown the solicitor general's findings about Scott Morrison's shadow government of one, himself. There will be an inquiry and Morrison says's he'll participate but looks to be imposing conditions. Van explains how Morrison's conditions are a Trump tactic to shift blame and stall any real progress.
As Labor's support surges ahead of the Jobs and Skills summit the ACTU, Australian Unions, has put out a discussion paper on how to create jobs while taking action on emissions reduction and climate change. Van and Ben discuss the difference having genuine stakeholder engagement and participation makes to the policy process and, given the upcoming Jobs and Skills Summit, what this might mean for laws in our workplace. The best way to a secure job and higher wages is to be a union member so join at australianunions.org.au/wow
The neo-liberal corporatisation of higher education has smashed job security in our universities while also sending the wages of the executives who are making profit driven decisions about higher education through the roof. Ben shares a recent discussion he had with a leader of the NTEU (National Tertiary Education Union) on how the Liberal party used people's pre-conceived ideas about the sector and a strategy of not engaging stakeholders to create a workforce that is now mostly casual, underpaid and often the victims of wage theft.
The good news is about PFAS, the "forever chemical" might not be so "forever" after all!
And as always we give shout outs to our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters who have gone to www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday and are making regular contributions to help us grow our audience.

Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Ben Davison dives into the Morrison Modern Manufacturing Initiative Scheme that saw $828M handed out, including in five announcements during the election.
Insiders had former Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce on for a car crash interview where between calling for modular nuclear power plants in every town he admitted he didn't confront or make public Morrison's secret portfolios because he had been given ministries the Nationals weren't entitled to, staff they weren't entitled to and was concerned they'd be taken away!
Plus the end of the week saw the devastating application of a high court decision to prioritise contract terms over reality as a delivery worker lost his Fair Work Commission case. Ben explains why this is terrible outcome for all workers, what it means now for the gig economy and what we can do to fix it. (It starts with joining your union australianunions.org.au/wow)
And Ben give a preview of a special upcoming edition of the Week on Wednesday with Van Badham.

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Van Badham and Ben Davison try to unpack the Morrison secret shadow government as the full extent of his additional portfolios is exposed.
While Morrison flatly denies any wrong doing most of the country thinks he should resign from parliament and that he has undermined democratic processes.
Van and Ben breakdown what happened, why it is a problem and what might happen next.
While the legacy of Morrison's Napoleonic power grab continues to be record cuts to wages and record increases in profits the union movement has put forward its 2nd pre jobs summit discussion paper on skills and migration.
Van and Ben explain why the ACTU call for structural reforms to be put in place before more migrants are exposed to exploitative practices is the right call.
To ensure better wages and conditions for you and all workers join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow.
The good news this week is about hydrogen in Australia.
And as well as giving shout outs to our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday Van and Ben give shout outs to the listeners who have listened to all 100 episodes so far!

Sunday Aug 14, 2022
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
Ben Davison reviews how Insiders failed to discuss one of the biggest political stories of the week; Scott Morrison SECRETLY making himself health and finance minister during the early stages of the COVID pandemic. Ben breaks down why Morrison might have done it, asks who knew and would Peter Dutton do the same if he gets the chance?
Chris Bowen gave a masterclass interview on Insiders where he outlined the complexity of the electricity market while providing assurance that real reforms are underway. Ben discusses how the interview also showed up the Insider panel's anti-union biases as the kinds of reforms Bowen discussed aligned with the ACTU jobs summit paper "An Economy that works for People" which they roundly dismissed.
Despite the Insiders panel having concerns about tax cuts legislated before COVID that will give bank CEO's $5,000 tax cuts on top of their 35% pay increases, despite their concerns about a lack of teachers, a lack of investment in local manufacturing, a lack of reliable supply chains, the panel dismissed the ACTU paper.
The paper which speaks to all those issues.
Ben breaks down how unions across many sectors are taking actions while also being the only stakeholders to offer up ideas for discussion at the summit and why workers should join australianunions.org.au/wow because clearly the media are not even reading the materials.
And Ben condemns the cookers who protested outside the Children's hospital in Melbourne over the weekend. The puppets of American right wing propagandists are causing distress to sick children and their families. Ben and Van will discuss how these latest actions are being fed by Trump's desperate situation on Wednesday's episode.

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Episode 100: Jobs summit clash, Trump raided and good news about the Great Barrier Reef
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Van Badham and Ben Davison breakdown why Peter Dutton has refused the invitation to attend the Jobs and Skills Summit at the same time his junior coalition partner and own shadow Treasurer are demanding an invitation. While the Liberals seem determined to call everything a "stunt" Labor's ministers are consulting with stakeholders from business and the union movement on how to get the economy going again.
Australian Unions have today put out a paper calling for economic reforms that would reduce inequality, support wages growth and enshrine Full Employment as a key economic goal. To be part of your union join at australianunions.org.au/wow
Van and Ben discuss how and why the current economic debate is between a broad base of stakeholders trying for consensus on reforms and Peter Dutton trying to bash unions.
Trump's Mar-a-Lago palace was raided by the FBI this week and Van gives a rapid deep dive on why the raid happened, what it might mean for American democracy and how the neo-fascists who support Trump have responded.
The good news is about the Great Barrier Reef expanding.
And for our 100th episode we give shoutouts to our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters (you can join them at www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday) and announce a LIVE show!

Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Ben Davison gives a wrap up of the "end of the climate wars" (its not really), the culture war being built to oppose the Voice, Dutton's union bashing and his nuclear folly.
Don't forget to join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow (you know Dutton will hate it)
With Paul Karp's Guardian piece exposing the "Pay to get paid" Uber platforms in the NDIS Ben discusses how Uber style "contracting" is undermining the assumptions of employment in the NDIS, the profiteering that is happening at tax payer and participant expense and how some Uber-style platforms have traded shares to the Murdoch empire for media coverage. Just like Uber did in Europe.