
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Ben Davison returns with the weekend wrap to look at how corporate share buy backs are further evidence of profiteering driving inflation and why the Closing the Loopholes legislation is needed asap.
You can join your union at www.australianunions.org.au/wow to add your voice to the millions calling for wage increases instead of profit payouts.
The Australian Education Union has released new research that shows our public schools are underfunded by the almost the same amount as the share buy backs that just the big banks are handing out, that private schools are on track to be OVER funded by $3Billion and that the government investment in public education makes a return TWO to FOUR times!
If you want our public schools properly funded go to https://www.foreverychild.au/postcard to send Albo a message.
Finally Ben discusses why Albo needed to go to APEC, why Dutton is attacking him for it and how the Coalition is still desperate to find an existential threat, other than climate change, to justify its existence.
If you enjoy our podcast you can help us reach more people at www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison dig into the best wage rise numbers in more than 20 years, discuss why many people will still be going backwards and, as the ACTU Price Gouging Inquiry wraps up, what we can do to help stop the profiteering.
The union movement wins on minimum wage, awards, for aged care workers and improved collective agreements are lifting wages so if you want to see your pay get above the cost of living join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
Peter Dutton is back on the disinformation train, this time using a High Court decision to score political points at the expense of at least 74 innocent people. Indefinite detention has been ruled unconstitutional and the rules that Dutton put in place during his time in government have been exposed as not just morally without basis but also without legal standing. As Labor moves to fix these issues Dutton has ramped up mis vitriolic disinformation. Could it be a handy distraction from his party voting against returning $9 billion in unpaid workers wages? Or the loss of another of his moderate MPs to the cross bench? Or is it just that he bought the Trump/Bannon franchise and is determined to play it out?
There's talk of another surplus budget and the ideas are already flowing. Ben and Van discuss why Albo's targeted cost of living relief is, in general, the right approach and also why supporting the 98% of public schools that are currently not funded to the MINIMUM level needed for every child is both targetted cost of living support and an investment in the future. Show your support for properly resourcing every school at https://www.foreverychild.au/postcard
The good news is that the CFMEU and the broader union movement is winning the campaign to ban engineered stone. Ikea has joined Bunnings in announcing they won't stock the killer products in the future. A national policy is on the horizon and the campaign to prevent workers dying for bench-tops continues.
Van acknowledges our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters who have signed up at www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday to help us get this podcast into even more ears each and every week.

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison dish the latest on the Optus outage chaos that has swept across Australia - and argue why key national infrastructure should be in public hands. They discuss why another interest rate rise is yet another painful example of an economy outgrowing the neoliberal zealots who insist on running it, and they take a tour into the history of abusive welfare policy. The good news is from America - with key victories for Democrats (and the rights of women) in Ohio, Virginia and Kentucky elections. The dog makes a number of noises that we hope you politely ignore and the whole unscripted, unedited and DELIGHTFULLY ORGANIC conversation is recorded through an improvised tether on Van's (Telstra) mobile phone...

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison shine on a spotlight on the attempts by corporate giants BHP, Qantas and Doordash to keep the labour hire, forced casualisation and sham contracting loopholes open at this week's senate committee hearings.
Van lays out what is wrong with capitalism in Australia and why being in your union, join at australianunions.org.au/wow, has never been more important with over $9,000,000,000 that could become wages if the loopholes close.
Jason Clare, federal Education Minister, and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese today launched a $10M campaign to recruit more teachers. Ben and Van discuss why its a good start but that getting the 98% of public schools that are currently underfunded up to the minimum standard will do more to address the workload, wage and classroom issues that are creating teacher shortages. You can send the PM a postcard at https://www.foreverychild.au/postcard to show your support for every child being able to access a quality public education.
Albo had a busy day as he also joined Health Minister Mark Butler to announce a boost to the Medicare bulk billing incentive. The tripled incentive will help 11,600,000 Australians get better access to bulk billing doctors.
Van and Ben discuss why they focus on these core material stories that impact millions of working people when so much of the media is now dominated by culture war issues.
The good news is from our friends at Labor for Farrer and is about spiders!
Plus Van gives a shoutout to our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters. Head over to www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday if you'd like to help us grow our audience.

Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Ben Davison gives a breakdown of Anthony Albanese's successful state visit to the United States and places it in the context of what has been happening in the US, the Biden administration demonstrating the "imperial presidency" while the Republican bicker over the speakership and some of the tangible positives for Australia.
Insiders seemed unable to grasp how international politics and domestic politics actually interact so Ben explains what being a "middle power" actually means and why the international rules based order is a constantly evolving concept that dates back to the Treaty of Westphalia and the end of the Holy Roman Empire but now includes people's right to join a union, the rights of people with a disability and equal opportunity for women. join you union at australianunions.org.au/wow
Plus there is a shout out for the recent world teachers day and the For Every Child Campaign that is trying to get the 98% of public schools that are currently underfunded their full and proper funding.

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison are back with a new podcast episode that tackles why anyone would want to keep making a product that kills the workers who create it, how corporations have done just fine during high inflation and why they are spending millions to stop the government closing the loopholes that let them pay people less than their entitlements.
The union movement has said it will ban the use and transport of engineered stone if the government does not act and it has called for stronger workers rights to lift wages. Join you union at australianunions.org.au/wow
With inflation jitters spooking economists Ben and Van discuss why the economics of neo-liberalism continues to get it so wrong, what today's inflation figures might mean and why reducing our dependance on foreign oil is increasingly important.
October 27th is World Teachers Day so Van and Ben preview the For Every Child campaign, check out foreverychild.au , which is trying to get full funding for the 98% of public schools which currently don't have the minimum funds required to meet every child's needs. Van really lays out the issue.
Plus there is good news about Australia's biggest battery!
If you'd like to help support the podcast to reach more people check out our page at www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday and you too can have Van read your name at the end of EVERY episode!

Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Ben Davison takes a look at some of the stories form this week that Insiders missed given their focus on the Middle East. While the situation in Israel and Gaza is horrendous, Ben gives a brief synopsis, there is lots happening in Australia.
The new National Skills Agreement is a win for the Australian Education Union, workers and employers who will benefit from the $30 billion investment in TAFE including another 300,000 fee free places in 2024.
1,400 United Workers Union diary workers took a 48 hour strike this week, AMWU members in Tasmania took action, NTEU workers took actions in Victoria and Queensland while AWU and MUA members stood up against a multinational gas giant and won!
Join your union at australianunions.org.au.wow
The Albanese government has introduced laws to increase paid parental leave from 20 weeks to 26 weeks between now and 2026. Ben discusses why this isn't just good for new mothers but for all Australians.
This week also saw the most important High Court judgement about state and federal tax powers in over 50 years as two EV owners managed to get a Victorian road user tax ruled unconstitutional and opened the door for billions in state revenues to be struck down. Ben discusses what might happen next and why we need to engage with the potential reforms that will emerge.

Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Van Badham joins Ben Davison for this post referendum special edition of the Weekend Wrap.
Our co-hosts look at what the results of the referendum tell us so far, why there is such sadness, how we can respond and what it might mean for the future.
The rise of misinformation in the referendum is examined, how electoral politics and referendums are different, why we need to be kind and how we can reengage with solidarity. Send your message of solidarity to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders at https://solidarityalways.ausunions.io/
Van and Ben discuss why this result means we can expect to see a rise in misinformation campaigning against workplace reforms as multi-national corporations will be trying to stop $9Billion going from their profit lines to workers wages.
Join you union at australianunions.org.au/wow to make sure you are prepared to win the next struggle for jobs, fair wages and decent working conditions.

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison take a deep dive into the murky waters of American politics as the Republican Party conspires to unseat one of its own from the role of Speaker. It is the first time in history that a Speaker of the House of Representatives has been deposed. Van breaks down why it has happened, what it means for American politics and the kind of markers we need to watch for in our own political system.
Prepoll voting has opened around Australia for the referendum with recent polls showing that the YES case is making up ground. Van and Ben explore the misinformation campaign that has been largely imported from America, why it is getting traction and what we can do it break the grip of fear. Check out yes23.com.au for how you can get involved.
With the new Reserve Bank Governor keeping interest rates on hold for another month Ben and Van discuss why the union movement's position of no involuntary unemployment and closing the loopholes to return $9 billion to working people in wages is so important. You can join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
And there is good news about Fat Bear Week!
Van also gives a shout out to all our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters who have made a contribution to the podcast at www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday

Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Ben Davison looks at the established research which shows the NO campaign is leveraging misinformation and a global network of disinformation campaigners. In a shock admission Ben admits that he agrees with Phil Coorey and Chris Kenny that the No campaign has become a grab bag of grievances.
The disability royal commission report has been handed down with 222 recommendations from over 10,000 submissions. Ben looks at how it intersects with the current NDIS review and why reform will take time but is urgently needed.
Mike Pezzullo has stood aside while there is an investigation into his conduct by the public service commissioner. Ben discusses why there needs to be an investigation, who this man is and what influence he has been wielding over our lives.
Ben also give a shout out to the leader of the Australian Union movement, Sally McManus, for her being named the 4th most powerful person in Australia. You can join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow