Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Van Badham and Ben Davison dive into the Morrison government's bungling of the COVID situation in Australia that has seen people with a disability go from being in a priority group to "refocussed" almost out of contention for vaccines, payments being cut from people left unemployed due to COVID restrictions, states going off the road map at the expense of thousands of lives and extra hospitalisations. All while Victoria has its worst day for cases and NSW has its worst day for deaths. And Singapore is having a lockdown with well over 80% of the population vaccinated.
The choices our political leaders have made during the pandemic and are making again now are determining whether people fall into poverty, homelessness and hunger. Or not.
The political pantomime that is Coalition policy around climate action has reached WWE levels of spectacle this week. With a clash between the Nationals (rural seats) and the Liberals (city seats) being billed as part of distracting from the reality that the world is moving to net zero emissions. The only questions are how and what happens to people as that occurs. Neither question is one that Morrison's political side show is interested in answering but both are the focus for environment groups, union, companies and farmers.
And the good news is that old European enmities have been set aside to create a land sanctuary some are calling "the European Amazon."
Plus we thank everyone who made The Week on Wednesday the number 1 news and the number 1 politics podcast in Australia last week!
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Ben Davison breakdown how 51% over 16 vaccinated equals 40% full vaccinated and what the delayed rollout in lower socio-economic suburbs and regions means for when things "open up".
Insiders, on the ABC, makes some terrible calls about the far right riots. From using language that reinforces the narrative of fascists to regurgitating anti-union talking points and simply getting their facts about vaccine hesitancy wrong the show's coverage of what happened in Melbourne this week was a disgrace. Stan Grant gave some insight into the shifting patterns of global trade alliances and Barnaby Joyce once again proved he is a fool. Australia will get to net zero emissions, because everyone else will eventually make us if we want to trade with them, so the question is when, how and what does the journey to get there look like for ordinary Australians.
None of which Barnaby can answer, or even accept as a reality.
And the Melbourne Demons won the AFL Grand Final for the first time since 1964
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Van Badham and Ben Davison breakdown what's happening in Melbourne as far right infiltrators have been rioting, attacking union offices, attacking police and desecrating working class sites.
It is a cracking deep dive into fascism, what's driving the riots, why union offices and sites have been targeted, the baffling political responses and what we can do to ensure democracy and our communities are protected.
Van discusses what's driving these "new far right" adherents and gives some insight into the shifting sands of right wing ideology. Ben calls out some members of the Morrison government for trying to use the rioters for their own political purposes.
The team then explore how fascism always comes to power through weak centre right politicians that think they can harness fascists and it is actually the coalition of those that believe in democracy, left and right, that has to stand together to ensure democracy continues.
Throughout the pandemic unions and business groups have tried to do exactly that and both have condemned the riots and called for people to get vaccinated.
Morrison's weakness, a whole different sort of weakness to Turnbull's, has seen him run off to play submarines in New York with Biden and Boris just as the OECD says our economy isn't going so great, unemployment is more like 20% than 5%, fascists are mobilising in Victoria and NSW might end up "going it alone" on COVID reopening as other COVID free states suggest higher vaccine targets.
But there is good news about the end of leaded petrol!
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Ben Davison is back with the Weekend Wrap looking at how Morrison's Nuclear sub deal is blowing up Australian jobs, threatening trade relations with China and the EU and resulting in the only European power that cares about the Indo-pacific region withdraw their ambassador from Australia and the United States (their oldest ally).
But we will now get eight instead of 12 subs. In 2040. And "that fella", as Biden calls Morrison, has only had to part with $90 billion of our taxpayer funds to make it happen.
Morrison's more immediate problem is Christian Porter. The embattled cabinet minister is facing daily calls to resign over the revelation that he received an anonymous million dollar donation. Morrison's Finance Minister, Simon Birmingham, took a grilling over it on the ABC show Insiders today and refused to either support or condemn his cabinet colleague in a masterful display of how to avoid demonstrating any values while looking than his own government's climate action policies.
Pro-Covid fascist recruitment rallies were held again this weekend with over 200 arrested and 10 police officers injured. Australia's COVID vaccination rate has hit 37% but the impacts are not just case numbers as 13 people died in NSW. 10 of which have died before hitting average life expectancy. 84% of Victoria's cases today were under 50.
Worker have had wins to round out the week with 360 AMWU members at Cadbury taking action to see those who have been "casual" for 10 years offered ongoing work, UWU member's at Dulux voted unanimously to reject a sub-standard deal and AWU members at Bluescope Steel have won $5,000,000 in back pay that will see some workers take home $45,000! It pays to be union.
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Van Badham and Ben Davison examine the latest Morrison government transparency failure as Christian Porter receives a "blind" million dollars for his legal fund that even Malcolm Turnbull can't stomach but Frydenberg says is "within the rules".
Its been over 1,000 days since Morrison announced the as yet undelivered national anti-corruption organisation but he has found time to cut the national audit office budget after it uncovered sports rorts and a $30 million payment to a Liberal Party donor in exchange for a parcel of land worth $3 million.
Van and Ben look at the chequered history of three Morrison ministers and how their ability to avoid responsibility has seen them promoted into positions where they wield enormous budgets, cultural power and control over the mechanisms of government.
The rise of the far right has been made worse by COVID and by cuts to our educational institutions. The workers in our universities and schools are fighting back to make sure people get the educational tools we need to have a functioning democracy, free of the tyranny of fascist rule.
Van also explains why the super spreader protests are happening and how they connect to standard fascist playbooks on building support for themselves, at the expense of the people.
One in three Australian's are vaccinated against COVID, despite the selective use of phrases like "eligible", "a dose" and other mumbo jumbo words so we need to get more people vaccinated as today saw more deaths, more lockdowns and more anguish.
The good news is that cows can be toilet trained! Maybe next they'll find a way to keep Morrison's ministers out of the trough....
Plus a special guest appearance by Van's mum who wanders in to say "Hello!"
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Van Badham and Ben Davison examine how Scott Morrison's decision to fly to Sydney for father's day weekend, at tax payer expense across two closed borders, was compounded by the sleight of hand photo used on his social media and speaks to his continued poor judgement in the wake of his trip to Hawaii, the family pub crawl around Cornwall and his decision to deal with the politics, rather than the substance, of his party's "women problem".
The Women's Summit, Morrison's attempt to make the rolling scandals and systemic mistreatment of women in Australia under his leadership go away, has been slammed by Grace Tame, Brittany Higgins, Victorian and Queensland Ministers as well as groups advocating for women fleeing domestic violence. Brittany Higgins wasn't an invited delegate, even though in many ways she was the catalyst for the summit, and the Australian Union movement was invited at all. Van looks at how this summit continues the Morrison approach of dealing with the politics rather than the problem, the sense of disappointment that comes from Morrison's refusal to impliment all 55 recommendations of the Respect@Work report and the baffling new human rights commissioner appointment that was announced, while the summit was on, who grace Tame described as "a grave mistake."
COVID continues to ravage Australia with more deaths than at any point in the pandemic except when it got loose in commonwealth regulated aged care. Australian Unions have joined the push to increase vaccination rates with a new campaign as the rate of full vaccinated Australians still sits just over 30%.
The good news is the trial of electric scooters in Ballarat and a zero emissions Premier League game between Tottenham and Chelsea happening this month!
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Ben Davison breaks down Morrison Minister, Stuart Robert's, appalling explanation of the COVID reopening plan on Insiders as NSW hits 24,000 active cases, The Saturday Paper exposes Galdys' 1,700 secret hospital cases and News.com reveals there are three children are in ICU with COVID19.
The Morrison government won't publish the list of companies that received Jobkeeper even though $13 BILLION was over paid to profitable companies yet it is chasing down thousands of workers who received Jobkeeper claiming they've been overpaid a combined amount of around $33 million. The double standard highlights Morrison's priority remains corporate profit and the oppression of working class Australia.
Workers have had some wins this week with the McCain's workers in Tasmania winning pay increases, union campaigns getting senate recommendations to reform the temporary migration system and legislation has been introduced that will finally allow offshore wind projects in Australian waters.
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Van Badham and Ben Davison analyse Gladys delusional optimism about COVID reopening, Dan's sombre lockdown extension and the increase in far right foreign agitation as orchestrators of COVID spreading events in Australia are arrested overseas.
The Morrison government drops protections for women from sexual harassment from its respect at work legislation as women across Australia campaign and make #wewontwait trend. But is the fact that Michaelia Cash is the industrial relations minister and has a track record of selling out other women mean this issue can't be won? Van tells us why even with Cash in charge the struggle isn't over.
GDP has grown but in every meaningful way we are in a recession. Ben examines how pretending iron ore price and sales volume increases are somehow the same as the real economy is ignoring the millions of unemployed, underemployed and worker's who's real wages are going backward.
And the good news is about magnetic fluids removing micro-plastics from the oceans!
Plus Germanicus cries, wriggles and generally interferes with the recording.
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Ben Davison looks at the delusions of Glady's and Morrison as Australia reaches more than 15,000 active COVID cases, smashes through 1,200 new cases a day, hospitals are overwhelmed, ambulance services issue warnings and testing clinics are attacked.
The Doherty Institute tries to clarify that even at 70% vaccination rates, if COVID is as loose in the community as it is now, the only solution is lockdowns as Mark Butler goes on Insiders and warns that 6 million Australians will still be unvaccinated at the 70% mark. NSW is, three months into "lockdowns", only just reaching the half way point to a 70% vaccination rate.
The Victorian breakdown shows that 600 out of the 773 active cases of COVID are under 40, with more than 300 under the age of 19, calling the whole basis of excluding people under 18 from the Doherty Model into question.
The reality of nearly 10% of all jobs in NSW having been destroyed since this outbreak began should put an end to the health vs economy debate but doesn't even get a mention from Morrison, who refuses to put a wage subsidy scheme or paid vaccination leave in place, or Gladys, who remains delighted at testing rates and wants us to stop focussing on case numbers.
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Van Badham and Ben Davison examine the rolling disaster that is Morrison and Glady's handeling of the COVID pandemic as NSW records a record 919 new cases and two hospitals, Blacktown and Westmead, are unable to take any more COVID patients. The Ruby Princess inquiry finds the Morrison government didn't learn from mistakes overseas and let 600 COVID infected people out into community. This as the UK and unvaccinated in the USA start to die and overwhelm hospitals in record numbers and Morrison tries to convice the nation that we too must "open up". Van and Ben discuss how this feels like a political tactic and that Australian's aren't prepared to pay for community sport with the blood of our communities children.
The workers at Graincorp and Toll are taking industrial action as both companies, hugely profitable, try to use the cover of the pandemic to cut job security and drive down wages. Australian Unions have launched a national job security campaign as more and more companies are trying to further increase casualisation and outsourcing. Van and Ben discuss how conservative governments in Germany and even Canada work with workers, in union, to improve job security while the Morrison government has, just this week, proudly taken the lid off the pool of more easily exploitable, temporary migrant workers.
The good news is that the roads we drive on will soon be able to charge the cars we will soon be driving as companies start making roads in the USA, Italy and Sweden that charge electic vehicles.