Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Van Badham and Ben Davison examine Morrison's attempt to blame the states, the EU, the media, anyone but himself for the failure to meet Covid vaccination targets and what is really going on with the failure to deliver vaccines to the millions of Australian's who should have been vaccinated by now.
The IMF says the economy will grow strongly, if we get our vaccines, and the Morrison government wants to take credit but it also says the economy is going badly so Australia can't afford an increase to the minimum wage. We look at the how when times are good big business argues against wage increases and when times are tough they argue against wage increases. Turns out they like calling people "essential workers" but don't like paying them like they are essential.
Australian's can visit New Zealand from April 19th but "flyer beware" the COVID conditions.
The good news is massive sandcastles for tiny birds and the air in LA is almost breathable again.
And of course Germanicus decides to try and get into the wall of the shed because it has an interesting smell.
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Van Badham and Ben Davison discuss the Morrison Men problem that has seen his approval rating with women drop to 40%, a "Prime Minister for women", the political rise of women who are anti-women and Grace Tame, the Australian of the Year, challenge Morrison on his ministerial reshuffle.
Our dynamic duo also look at Morrison's failure to reach his own target of 4 million vaccinations for Australians by the end of March which has coincided with a COVID outbreak in Queensland and New South Wales.
The good news is that the condor is back in the skies above the United States and science has found new ways to help us reforest after bushfires.
Solidarity for trans day of visibility.
And Germanicus climbs over the desk and demands to go for a walk.
TW: this episode contains discussion of suicide.
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Weekend wrap Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Jobkeeper ends destroying 150,000 jobs Jobseeker cut to 2nd lowest rate in the western world Andrew Lamming to quit politics but Morrison won’t fire him despite his behaviour The Evergiven is stuck and it’s driving up petroleum prices Queensland had a COVID outbreak Tasmania is going to an election And the Morrison government abandons its “Raid your retirement to pay for your flight from domestic violence” policy.
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Van Badham and Ben Davison look at Morrison's crocodile tears, the toxic culture of the Liberal Party and how Morrison and his government still don't seem to understand the problem is actually them.
The floods in NSW are partly attributable to climate change so Van and Ben ask the question when will the government do something about it?
Jobkeeper is ending this week with economists, the reserve bank and Treasury all predicting it will cost jobs. Yet there's tens of billions left in the budget for the program, hundreds of millions have been given to billionaires and profitable companies so the question is why are Australian's being forced into unemployment?
The good news is that Rat Island has recovered and shows us, once again, that we can achieve huge things if we decide to work together and make a difference.
Germanicus bumps into things, makes ungodly smells and some cute noises too.
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Weekend Wrap Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
The IR Omnibus becomes a law about casuals as the Morrison government rejects real reforms supported by small business, unions & the cross bench and punishes workers experiencing wage theft, 1 in 100 year floods in NSW, Morrison was concerned about his security at the #March4Justice, a rally against violence, and still has a policy of making women fleeing domestic violence pay for it out of their retirement savings, And this international day for the elimination of racism we stand with all Australians and against those using Nazi images to harass people in the street.
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Van Badham and Ben Davison examine the Morrison government response to the March for Justice rallies around Australia, the woeful performance of Morrison ministers as well as the continued attacks on women's financial capacity by eroding their superannuation, workplace security and wages.
The IR Omnibus Bill is before the senate, despite Christian Porter's absence, and Jacqui Lambie and Rex Patrick have publicly proposed substantial amendments while Pauline Hanson has put forward secret amendments to the government. Sally McManus and the unions are calling on people to contact their senators and oppose the bills. Van and Ben discuss how this bill further undermines women in the workplace.
The vaccine rollout is millions of doses behind schedule. Van and Ben look at why and what Morrison has, or hasn't done, to keep Australian's safe.
Plus good news about polystyrene and some justice for George Floyd's family.
Van's back and Germanicus is so delighted he is literally jumping over the desk!
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Weekend wrap Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
The big news since Wednesday: -Morrison spends $1.2B on “cheap” holiday flights but leaves 40,000 Aussie stranded overseas, 2 million unemployed & underemployed and 3 million fearing the end of Jobkeeper -Mark McGowan romps home to win 53 of 59 seats in WA and destroy the Liberals -March 4 Justice rallies are happening nation wide on Monday to call out inequality, sexism, violence against women and the culture that has allowed attacks on women -The IR Omnibus bill is due in the senate on Tuesday but looks shaky with Michaelia Cash trying to win over a skeptical senate cross bench.
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
In this episode, Van Badham and Ben Davison discuss how the impending loss of 110,000 jobs from the Australian economy doesn't say much about Scott Morrison's governing ability, explore attacks on Meghan Markle and the royal racism scandal, and share some good news about the places they make Mars bars. Also, Van gets hugely excited about a toad rescue.
Meanwhile, Wagga Wagga suffers a mouse plague, making Van really miss Germanicus' superior mouse-hunting skillz. This is the Week on Wednesday!
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Weekend Wrap Mar 7, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Morrison continues to fumble among allegations of rape and sexual assault within his government Are GDP figures hiding the true economic story? Australia’s vaccine rollout off target and hitting potholes Michaelia Cash is back and now first law officer despite refusing to cooperate with the AFP The IR omnibus starts to wobble as cross bench doubt Morrison’s government And Morrison goes into hiding and misses out on Mardi Gras & Clean Up Australia Day.
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Van Badham and Ben Davison brave the painful and complicated discussion of the cascading scandals overwhelming the Morrison Liberal government - and Scott Morrison's own painful and complicated mishandling of them. We also talk about the aged care royal commission's findings, and what they augur for Australia's elders... and we have TWO pieces of good news - about busting Nazis and fighting climate change.
A big thanks to Nathan Pippin, who helped produce this episode with Ben at home and Van tuning in from Wagga Wagga. Note that the dog cries a lot because he can hear Van's voice, while she remains away...