Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Ben Davison RETURNS with his weekend wrap!
Instead of breaking down Insiders he compares and contrasts the difference the Walk for YES last weekend and the far right rallies for NO this weekend.
Ben also reads a message from a listener in Arnhem Land who is talking with local first nations people about the referendum.
With less than three weeks until the referendum and a week until pre-poll Ben is urging people to get involved at yes23.com.au
The Alan Fels price gouging inquiry kicked off this week as the true source of Australia's inflation problem becomes clear; profiteering.
The ACTU backed inquiry has heard testimony from experts and people impacted about how prices have been artificially increased to pump up profits.
At the same time workers are in week nine of their strike at EnerSys and workers have started a strike at Inghams where the company, which has enjoyed a 72% increase in profits, is denying workers a $1.50 pay rise. Join you union at australianunions.org.au/wow
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison are BACK! Having, almost, recovered from their illnesses Van and Ben dissect the disinformation that is swamping the Voice referendum. They break down what the Voice is, why the disinformation is happening, where it is coming from and what we can all do to make sure it doesn't taint our democracy.
The Labor government in NSW has handed down its first budget following a range of wins by workers in unions there are pay increases, more teachers, more healthcare and less outsourcing of the public sector. You can join your union, whatever state you live in, at australianunions.org.au/wow
In Victoria a long term Labor government has announced a new massive policy on housing. Ben and Van look at what's in the package, how it shows the importance of long term Labor governments and contrast material realism politics with culture war politics.
It has been a huge week for workers with the High Court decision finding Qantas illegally sacked 1,700 workers, the cross bench teaming up with the Coalition to delay the closing of loopholes bill until February and polling showing that every major measure to close loopholes has the support of a majority of Australian's of EVERY political persuasion.
Plus Van, with her croaky voice, gives a shoutout to our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters, check out www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday to become a supporter!
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Ben Davison takes a look at Noel Pearson's Insiders interview and how he managed to cut through the misinformation, fear mongering and misdirection to remind Australia that the referendum is an opportunity to accept the hand of friendship by recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as our first people and embrace the opportunity of reconciliation by guaranteeing an advisory body. Nothing more, nothing less.
The crossbench teamed up with Peter Dutton's Noalition to delay the closing loopholes laws which will cost workers, just in the gig economy, as much as $200,000,000. Ben breaks down what the laws are about, why they are important to workers and why big business is fighting so hard to stop them. Hint: It's got to do with who gets $9,000,000,000
Only unions are fighting for working people in this struggle and if you want your fair share you need to join, go to australianunions.org.au/wow
The NSW Teachers Federation has won a landmark pay deal as the campaign to fix the under resourcing of 98% of our public schools continues. Check out foreverychild.au for more info
The 1,700 workers unlawfully sacked by Qantas will have their fates decided in the High Court on Wednesday. Ben looks at how this could have implications for all workers.
If you're able to help us promote the show to more people and spread the message beyond the ONE MILLION + downloads we already have check out www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday for ways to make a contribution.
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison examine the government's bill to close the loopholes that are letting corporations take $9 billion from workers through forced casualisation, sham contracting, gig exploitation and legal chicanery.
With $9 billion on the line corporations are fighting back with some of the weirdest and most easily disprovable lies imaginable. Van and Ben breakdown why the corporate bosses are investing millions in ads to attack the improvements for workers.
Workers are fighting back to secure the pay that should be theirs by join their union at australianunions.org.au/wow and getting involved in the campaign to win over the cross bench.
Alan Joyce is no longer CEO of Qantas! As of today a new CEO has started and inherited an airline that is, in a strategic sense, on fire. With law suits from workers, consumers and the government, a potential senate inquiry, an ageing fleet and a brand so damaged it is less trusted than its wholly owned budget version the Qantas story is in heavy turbulence.
The latest GDP growth figures have been released so Ben and Van put them into the context of Australia's overall economic situation and are pleased to find Australia has grown more than five of the G7 countries.
Plus there is good news about solar glass!
And Van gives a shout out to all of our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters who have gone to www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Ben Davison dives into the detail of the new workplace reforms that will give more rights to everyday working people who are casuals, gig workers or engaged as labour hire by setting some minimum standards.
Tony Burke went on Insiders to explain how the new approach will work and David Speers still hasn't wrapped his mind around the idea that Labor is governing from a people first perspective as opposed to a corporate first approach.
Qantas, the company that has unlawfully sacked workers, abused the labour hire system and given huge payouts to executives while taking massive taxpayer handouts is now under investigation for selling 8,000 flights that never existed. Ben looks at why this might be the latest, and last, opportunity to bring the flying Kangaroo back into the hands of our Commonwealth.
You're the Voice, try to understand it. Those immortal words from John Farnham will grace a new YES campaign ad just as Peter Dutton launch his own latest effort to muddy the waters around the referendum.
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison discuss the official announcement of the Voice referendum date, October 14th, while taking a look at the campaigns, the messages and why Albo's message of hope has gained the support of such a broad cross section of Australia.
The union movement is campaigning for YES and you can get involved with your union at australianunions.org.au/wow and the campaign at yes23.com.au
A listener wrote in with a question about Andrew Tate's influence over young men so Van and Ben discuss how the toxic individualism of Tate is evident in the behaviour of the Spanish Football President and how the benefits of collectivism, community and team work are present in everyday life and in the response from the broader football world.
Inflation is at its lowest point in 17 months. Ben and Van discuss the impact this might have on the referendum, what it tells us about economics and why the mystics who demand working people pay to keep inflation low have been proven wrong.
There is also good news about wind powered shipping!
If you'd like to become a supporter and send through questions check out our supporter page at www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday where you can become an extend the reach or cadre supporter and have Van give you a shout out every episode!
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Ben Davison is BACK from a week off with the latest Weekend Wrap. Insiders discussed productivity, taxes, industrial relations and education with most of the debates missing the point.
Ben breaks down how the points raised on Insiders show we need full funding for public schools, Qantas demonstrates the need for both workplace reforms and a focus on capital productivity and that if we want more skilled migrants following the lead of Belize and Somalia probably isn't the solution.
The union movement is working for better job security, higher wages and safer workplaces for all so join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
The intergenerational report shows a changing Australia will continue to change but that there are some clear policy priorities around workforce participation, supporting superannuation and accepting higher levels of debt (which will still be lower than most countries have now) if we want to have the standard of living we have now.
Finally Ben discusses Dutton's latest attack on democracy. The sad swipe on behalf of the No case against the Australia Electoral Commission. Dutton continues to show himself to be either ignorant or lazy when it comes to doing the job of opposition leader.
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison take a look at how the release of NAPLAN results highlights the need for our public schools to get the MINIMUM FUNDING that 98% of them are currently being denied.
The Australia Education Union is running a campaign at foreverychild.au calling for every public school to get the funds they need for every child to get the education they deserve.
The American CPAC event was held in Sydney last weekend and Van Badham gives a breakdown of how this piece of American cultural-political imperialism is used as a front for hatred, division and racism. Van and Ben discuss how "identity death" is driving these events, just how few people actually participate and compare it to the grassroots movement of people supporting the YES campaign. You can get active in making Australia a better place with your union by joining at australianunions.org.au/wow
The recent ACTU Price Gouging Inquiry was given a boost today as the federal government announced its own taskforce into competition. The announcement comes as the two major supermarkets announce massive increases in margins and almost double digit increases in their dividend to investors. Ben and Van discuss how weak competition impacts working people through prices and undermines wages.
There is good news about micro plastics, sawdust and tea!
As we have crashed through the 1,000,000 downloads we take the time to give shout outs to our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters who have gone to www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday to help us grow our audience.
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison are all in with the Matildas, Till its done, so take a look at the cultural phenomena that has become the Australian Women's Football team, what it means for sport, our society and why their unionism is an inspiration for so many others to stand up for what's right.
Join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
While Australia is having a sport led cultural moment the United States is again mired in the muck of its political system and the disgrace that is Donald Trump. Van breaks down, in detail, the new racketeering charges that could be what finally puts Donald Trump behind bars. Van and Ben also look at how the disconnect from truth and political convenience is playing out.
Back home the National Cabinet has announced a new deal on housing which sees billions of dollars flow into improving supply of housing, reform planning rules and regulate rental markets. Ben discusses how this step forward, coupled with the recent good news on wages, shows how an interventionist economic policy can work, given time.
There is good news about offshore wind in Wollongong
Plus this episode will see us breakthrough the 1,000,000 download mark! So Van gives a special shout goes to our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters who have gone to www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday to help grow our audience.
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Ben Davison, voice croaky from celebrating the Matildas win, breaks down why the leader of the Nationals, and senior member of the Coalition, would go on Insiders and advocate for the most expensive, least safe, unproven energy technologies and for increasing the cost of medicines.
The answer is the same reason why he, Peter Dutton and the Coalition oppose The Voice and Unions.
From mining and energy to pharmaceuticals, post offices and private education the Coalition is captured by lobbyists. Their policies reflect the interests of lobby groups and corporate lobbyists.
Democratic groups with democratic mandates, like the Voice and Unions, threaten to make democracy a participation sport instead of the pay to play game that the Coalition like to play.
If you want democracy to be more than just casting a ballot on election day join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow and get involved in the Yes campaign, the price gouging inquiry or a local campaign like the one to Save Glenroy post office