
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison look at the context of the first farm strike in decades as United Workers Union member's stand firm against employer threats and take action for a decent pay rise, same job, same pay rules and the right to pick salads for Coles and Aldi under decent conditions.
There's a union for everyone and if you've got a boss you should be a member of your union, join at australianunions.org.au/wow
Van and Ben look at the latest in delusional thinking from the Greens political party on housing and their desire to mimic the failed policies of San Francisco, which has among the worst homelessness issue of any wealthy western city and rents almost EIGHTY PERCENT HIGHER than SYDNEY!
Good economic news today saw inflation fall. Ben and Van briefly discuss what this means and why Labor's intersectional economic policies are helping tame inflation after a decade of Morrisonism.
A clayton's coup is the coup you have when you don't have a coup because your country is a gangster state not a nation state. Van and Ben explore what happened and a little bit about why Putin is still President but no one is really sure of what.
And the good news is about record wind energy production in Victoria driving prices DOWN!
Van gives a shoutout to our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters, who you can join at www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday to get episodes emailed to you and extra content!

Sunday Jun 25, 2023
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
Ben Davison takes a look at the big stories coming out of Russia, the Musk/Zuckerberg cage match and the Oceangate tragedy and draws together the threads of how these sagas, created and caused by billionaires, usually involve the suffering and or exploitation of working people. And that maybe that's why there's a level of skepticism towards them.
Ben also discusses the passing of the referendum bill, the decision by Lidia Thorpe to support the NO case and breaks down the three different, equally bad, arguments for voting NO. Remembering that a referendum is a binary choice and that only a YES vote moves reconciliation forward.
Julie Collins, Minister for Housing, was on Insiders and she tore apart the Greens political party's position on housing. Revealing that the delay to the Housing Affordability Future Fund also delayed $200,000,000 in repairs and maintenance on regional and remote Indigenous housing, that rent freezes REDUCE supply of housing and that the Commonwealth is working with the states but cannot legally direct them.
Ben also answers a listeners question about trans rights and responds to a listener and MUA member from Sydney Ferries. Remember to join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow and send us your questions by email or on our supporter site www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison explore the broken philosophy of The RBA that denies profiteering is a problem until everyone else has said it is, continues to believe in a wage-price spiral that doesn't exist and both simultaneously says people should get more work but we need less people employed.
Of course the union movement was among the first to point out the fallacies of the RBA's ideology and continues to win better pay and conditions so join at australianunions.org.au/wow
Ben and Van also examine how Japan's monetary policy is structured and the outcomes that can be achieved when the high priests of Milton Friedman are no longer in charge.
The Greens have delayed the Housing Affordability Future Fund until at least October. Ben and Van look at the arguments, break down the math and try to get a better understanding whether it is politicking or ignorance that is driving The Greens to upend millions of dollars in social housing funding.
The referendum legislation has passed parliament meaning that the government must call a referendum within six months. Van and Ben discuss the campaign so far, the work being done for a big national YES day on July 2nd and offer solidarity to those being attacked by the billionaire and corporate owned media for daring to have a Voice.
The good news is that despite the misinformation and vast corporate media NO machine the YES vote is ahead. Ben and Van look at some polling, some analysis and give their views.
All this is made possible through the contributions of supporters. You can become a supporter at www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday and while you're there send us a question for Ben to answer on the Weekend Wrap this Sunday.

Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Ben Davison takes a look at the horrendous week in federal parliament, the ABC's continued use of billionaire funded journalists on Insiders, the grim reality that women's safety in the workplace is a question of solidarity whether that's in parliament or in a factory.
The Liberal's "flood the zone" strategy failed and has exposed, on Insiders, that the Coalition was aware they had a Senator who was subject to sexual misconduct allegations.
Remember that, thanks to unions, every workplace MUST proactively protect you against sexual harassment and assault. Join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
PM Albanese announced a $2,000,000,000 increase to an existing $5.5Billion housing program which the Greens have both claimed credit for and said is not enough. Ben discusses what's really happening with the various housing policies and programs and why the Housing Affordability Future Fund should pass the Senate this week.
Plus Ben answers listener questions on The Reserve Bank losing billions of dollars, what tools should the RBA have to control inflation, whether or not inflation is happening because companies are just trying to make up losses from the pandemic and what "increasing productivity" really means vs what the media and bosses try to make it mean.
Send your questions and we will try to answer them next week!
Don't forget you can help grow the podcast by becoming a supporter at www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison look at what's happening in Canberra, how Brittany Higgins is again being targeted, why the Liberal's are "flooding the zone" and what it has to do with recent polls that show Labor is the most trusted party on economic management. Warning there is some discussion of violence and assault.
Van and Ben discuss the recent data showing CEO's getting 15% pay rises while their lobby groups make ads, that are definitely classist and possibly racist, to argue against workers getting pay rises.
The boss will always give himself a pay rise but your pay rises come from standing together in union, so join at australianunions.org.au/wow
If you think that Dutton and the Murdoch media's interest in who knew what/when/about what did or didn't happen in Linda Reynolds' office is unrelated to the economic reforms that Labor and the union movement are trying to achieve then listen closely as Van and Ben explain the connection.
The good news is that Tanya Plibersek and the state environment ministers are taking action on plastic waste.
Van also gives a shout out to all our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters who have gone to www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday to help us grow the audience and spread the message.

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison discuss the latest of Phil Lowe's interest rate rises and the Reserve Bank's total ideological capture. We breakdown why they are happening, how ideological obsession is outweighing economic reality and wonder if Phil Lowe's own crisis about his position may be part of the reason that he gives wildly contradictory statements about the economy one day to the next.
The union movement has achieved reforms to bargaining laws which will give workers more power to negotiate better wages and conditions. To make sure you're getting what you're worth in the workplace join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
Van and Ben also look at yet another Morrison era scandal that has been exposed. This time $2,000,000,000 of tax payer money was funnelled to projects which ranged from barely suitable to an organisation practicing exorcisms and conversion therapy. An organisation that Morrison said had "completely, completely captured" his heart. And our wallets, apparently.
Western Australia has a new Premier so Ben and Van take a quick look at Roger Cook and his new cabinet, while Van tells an embarrassing story about Ben.
The good news is about renewable energy transmission.
And we shout out to our supporters who've gone to www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday and become part of our Cadre and Extend the Reach crew.
Also we will be starting a NEW SEGMENT on The Weekend Wrap from Sunday the 18th of June. You'll have to listen for the details of how you can be part of the show!

Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Ben Davison gets under the hood of the minimum wage decision, the cuts the bosses wanted and how millions of Australian's will be better off as a result of the work of the Australian Union movement. If you're not already a member join now at australianunions.org.au/wow because unions have won an 8.6% increase in the minimum wage, a 5.75% in award wages and unionised workers get paid an average of 26% more!
The RBA governor said that we need more people to live in each "dwelling" during his senate estimates appearance and Ben breaks down why that's such a gaffe and how The Greens Party spokesperson against Labor's housing policy used his appearance on Insiders today to effectively double down on the conditions that lead economists to the idea that the housing crisis won't be solved with more housing anytime soon.
Ben Roberts Smith lost his defamation trial this week. Ben explores what the trial was about, what it means Ben Roberts Smith probably did, why it impacts our view of the defence force and how this demonstrates that billionaire and corporate owned media fuels, feeds and festers toxicity for its own purposes.

Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison are BACK and the struggle continues! Visy, Australia's largest private company, is still refusing to make a decent offer to workers after 20 weeks of action and bosses in the university sector are strategising together to cut pay and conditions while bosses unions are calling for cuts to the minimum wage and the right to keep exploiting sham contracting and labour hire loopholes.
Van and Ben take a look at how sham contracting in the gig economy, labour hire across multiple industries and forced casualisation has undermined wages and conditions. Ben and Van look at how workers, in union, are campaigning for same job, same pay laws, rights for platform based workers in the NDIS, aged care and transport sectors as well as an end to the loopholes that allow BHP to own a labour hire company it then uses to engage workers in their mines to do the same work but for LESS pay. You can stand up for your job and your wages by joining your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
Ben hits a classic rant about the greedflation spiral, Phil Lowe's high priests of Monetary Policy and why it is time to stop listening to incompetent Australian executives and start believing our own eyes when it comes to economics.
The Albanese Labor government wants to see more Australian content on Australian screens with proposed laws to make sure streaming services invest here, where they are making their profits. Van talks about why Aussie stories on Aussie screens is so important.
Plus The Voice is a step closer, despite the misinformation campaigns online.
And good news from one of our staunch supporters about the CSIRO and Hydrogen!
Van shouts out to our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters who have gone to www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday and signed up to help grow the audience and get every episode delivered to their inbox along with extra content.

Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Ben admits he couldn't bring himself to watch Insiders as he gives a scathing critique of the Murdoch infiltration of the ABC. On a week where Stan Grant was hounded out of QandA by Murdoch's dogs, the Uluru statement from the Heart had its anniversary and The Australian admitted to doctoring a letter to the editor about Aboriginal leader Noel Pearson there was an Australian journalist on the Insiders panel. Who didn't talk about ANY of those issues.
Lidia Thorpe continues to not understand how a referendum works by no claiming she'll abstain from the binary YES or NO vote on the Voice.
Liberals in the senate used their time to continue to platform ideas from Steve Bannon, anti-vaxers, the nuclear lobby and far right "fathers" groups while wasting time on the fashion choices of public servants. In NSW they chose between the loser of Gilmore and the loser of Parramatta to fill a casual senate vacancy. The loser of Parramatta was chosen.
Meanwhile in the real world more Australian's are trapped in sham contracting and its costing thousands of dollars per worker per year and millions in retirement. Australian Unions and The Centre for Future Work have research that shows in the NDIS, Aged Care and transport platforms are being used to make people into sham contractors but that it doesn't have to be that way. join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow to find out how to protect your employment conditions.
And we had Public Education Day this week with Ben reflecting on why so many of us are #ProudToBePublic. You can have your say on the importance of giving our schools the resources they need at https://www.education.gov.au/review-inform-better-and-fairer-education-system/consultations/review-inform-better-and-fairer-education-system-consultation

Sunday May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
Ben Davison looks at the first 12 months of the Albanese Labor government and some of the big changes ranging from the National Anti-Corruption Commission and Robo-debt royal commission to improvements in job security and wages to NDIS reforms and genuine action on climate change. The first year of Labor at a national level has achieved a lot.
The union movement has had successes on wages, women's participation in the workforce, job security, the energy transition authority and improvements to the social wage. join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
Ben also takes a look at why media is obsessed with the negatives. The Voice is a classic example where two polls released in the same week get very different treatment by the media. Ben explains how this empowers the fringe elements and the impact that has on people, such as Stan Grant's announcement, and our political system.
The Liberal's in Victoria continue to want a party leader that will embrace hatred and defend Nazism with the state conference in Bendigo marred by walkouts, booing and cries of "shame" as Menzian Liberal leader John Pesutto took the stage.
Ben asks the question, if we want more progress on education, healthcare, NDIS, tax reform and climate change do we really think the Liberals will deliver it better than Labor?
There's no Week on Wednesday this week but you can catch up on old episodes and extra links via our supporter page www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday