
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison take a closer look at Labor's proposed housing fund, why the Green opposition doesn't stack up and why the Dutton position remains the worst of all possible outcomes.
With debate still raging about "the best" housing policies Labor's policy achieves some core outcomes. More homes, a mechanism that Dutton can't easily scrap and an acknowledgement of the physical limitation imposed by supply chains and the availability of skilled workers.
The Green "Build all the homes now, just not in our backyard" policy lacks the pre-requisite of being based in reality.
Today is IDAHOBIT and Van and Ben discuss how communities have done the work to make progress on LGBTQIA+ rights and the difference between changes that need symbolic or small resource shifts but large cultural shifts and issues that need large scale resource reallocation.
The union movement campaigned for and won protections for trans, intersex and gender diverse workers in the Fairwork Act, has helped raise wages by the largest amount since 2013 and is currently campaigning for a 7% minimum wage increase. You can join these campaigns at australianunions.org.au/wow
Van and Ben discuss how the bosses lobby continues to fight against wage increases and even denies the role of profits in raising inflation.
The good news is about a new national park the size of Bali in Western Australia and we acknowledge our supporters who have gone to www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday to make a contribution towards growing the podcast.

Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
Ben Davison takes apart Insiders for the lack of insight, the lack of economic understanding and the soft rehabilitation job on Peter Dutton.
The budget this week was a step change towards Keynesian economic frameworks that support employment, wages growth and a social wage that keeps inflation under control and provides opportunity for people.
The Insiders analysis and questions of Jim Chalmers showed a lack of understanding, an entrenchment in outdated Morrison-era politics and a commitment to supporting Dutton that was shocking to witness.
Dutton actively opposes wage increases and more job security, even for our lowest paid, for women and for jobseekers. Australian Unions have been campaigning for improvements in wages and working conditions for all, particularly women, and you can join at australianunions.org.au/wow
As the Liberals implode in Victoria and Tasmania Ben looks at the very different reasons why both they and the Greens are opposing more homes for working people.
The question is asked will they push it to a double dissolution or will we get to see another budget with more investment in education and the next stages of Labor's Keynesian economic model?
Happy Mothers day!

Wednesday May 10, 2023
Episode 134: Labor’s big Keynesian budget and good news for the environment!
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison take a deep dive on the ideological frameworks that have crafted the first Commonwealth budget surplus in 15 years while also delivering increases to wages, Jobseeker, parenting payments, rent assistance and massive investments in health, Medicare and aged care.
The budget doesn't deliver everything everyone wants and Ben and Van explain how and why some of the decisions, both popular and unpopular, have their roots in Keynesian economics which, after 40 years of neoliberalism, is not something everyone instantly recognises.
The union movement has made some big wins in this budget for jobs, wages, energy transition, TAFE and much more. You can join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
There is also great news for the environment with the establishment of an Environmental Protection Agency and big investments in our national parks and waterways. Plus real commitments to the arts, the Voice, breaking the artificial "caps" imposed under Morrisonism and beginning to rebuild our public services, needs based education and NDIS.
As always we give shout outs to our amazing Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters from www.buymeacoffee.com/WeekOnWednesday

Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
Ben Davison looks Angus "Inflation" Taylor's terrible Insiders performance, the increases to Jobseeker, gas company taxes, energy bill relief and why a surplus budget is needed when the RBA is obsessed with increasing interest rates.
Ben also looks at how effective the union movement has been in securing pay increase for aged care workers, an energy transition authority and ended the sham contracting in the public sector that was costing $21,000,000,000 under Morrison. You can join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
As the budget approaches we expect that many people will be dissatisfied so Ben dives into how the various elements of the social wage, what it is and how it interacts to support people out of work, unable to work and in low wage employment.

Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison discuss the Reserve Bank's guerrilla interest rate rise, budget leaks and what they might mean for you as well as the minimum wage and why unions are taking action against the people who'd pay you nothing if they could get away with it. So join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
Ben breaks down the incoherence of the reserve banks ideological attack on working people and the government we all elected.
Van looks at how targeted budget programs can improve living standards and why it is a good thing to tax fossil fuel companies.
Plus there's a look at some key news for working people involving universities, Qantas and the minimum wage.
The good news is about electric roads!
We also give our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters from our www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday page a shoutout.

Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Van Badham joins Ben Davison for a special weekend wrap! They dissect David Speers' on defence policy, consider Insiders' decision to ignore reforms to the pharmaceutical benefits scheme (PBS), ask whether Albo attending the Sandilands wedding was either good or bad politics and the dangers of mistaking online abuse for a real-world movement.
Our hosts discuss what real reforms to the social safety net would look like, and how media needs to be careful not to fall into the traps that right-wing media are now tangled in when reporting on policy reforms to the NDIS, unemployment and housing.
They also cover the union movement using May Day to campaign for The Voice, with Sally McManus and Michele O'Neil on the ground in the "soft" states of Queensland and Tasmania. This comes on the back of polling showing that YES would win the referendum if it were held today.... so, join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
Ben and Van also discuss the announced reforms to migration, the improved protections for workers, the uplift in regulation in the sector and how Labor is facing down vested interests to deliver needed skills as well as opportunity for people to make Australia their home while contributing to our commonwealth.

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison look at the threads behind the rise and fall of Murdoch star, Tucker Carlson. Why he was effective at what he did, why that wasn't making money, how the Murdoch empires remains focused on making money and how their political interference is just a means of more easily making money. Despite his sacking Tucker Carlson was, and remains, very focused on promulgating his view of what is good and what is evil. Spoiler: He would think we are evil.
Van and Ben also look at the other end of the capitalist spectrum as Elon Musk's Twitter Blue debacle hits new lows, his SpaceX rocket explodes causing horrendous damage and investors in Tesla start to question whether having a CEO who is also CEO of five other companies and spends all his time on Twitter might be a bit distracted.
Ben and Van point out that the best protection against the vagaries of capitalist stupidity, whether in the workplace or trying to suppress your human rights, is to join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
Today's inflation figures suggest that Australia is over the worst of the inflation rises and Ben gives his analysis of our current economic situation, what government can do to set the economic environment, shape economic conditions and determine economic outcomes (which is, as we explain, why the Murdoch Empire has an interest in politics) in what Van Badham describes as "The best two minute Keynesian analysis".
There is also good news about renewable batteries, sent in by a supporter, and shout outs for all our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters who have gone to www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday which is where we will have more details about a SECOND GOOD NEWS STORY on seaweed nappies!

Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Ben observes Peter Van Onselen's decision to wear a Foxtel show hoodie on Insiders after a week where his parent Murdoch publication, The Australian, was critical of Van Badham having her book on display in the background of The Drum and another guest seemed to accidentally make the case for why unions are important by pointing out junior employees are often afraid to raise issues. You can join your union at australianunions.org.au/wow
Ben also looks at the debate around the social wage - also called the welfare system - in Australia and analyses Labor's statements over the week and on today's Insiders.
It looks like there will be movement on supports for housing, utility bills, single parent households, women's participation and the NDIS. This follows a week of public discourse where the prospect of real full employment policy has entered the mainstream. Sadly, social media has been full of vitriolic and vile abuse by self-appointed advocates directed at people calling for improvements to the social wage and for full employment.
Ben breaks down how these self-appointed advocates have adopted many of the failed techniques of the Murdoch empire in targeting individuals, stifling nuanced debate and misinterpreting statements to suit their own agenda. Ben explores how a nuanced debate should deliver more employment, more support and better outcomes. Ben also observes that campaigns of vitriolic abuse must take some responsibility for recent polling that shows less than half of Australians support an increase in Jobseeker payments.
Plus there's a reminder to vote YES on the referendum and an observation that, despite Dutton's attempts to confuse the issue, the proposition is a very simple one; Do you support recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the constitution? Do you support consulting with them on policies that will impact them?

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison look at the shocking collapse in support for the Coalition, the nose dive in Dutton's approval and how Labor has overtaken the Liberals as the party perceived as best to manage all aspects of the economy, jobs, wages and the delivery of services. Van and Ben explore Dutton's recent poor decisions and how taking shadow cabinet appointment advice from Pauline Hanson may be symptoms of a wider set of problems in the Liberal Party.
Bill Shorten has announced a reboot to the NDIS. Van and Ben look at what Bill announced at the National Press Club this week, the work unions are doing to make the program better and Ben shocks Van with who Dutton has put in as shadow Minister for the NDIS.
Do you know who it is? Here's a hint, they would never join their union at australianunions.org.au/wow which you can do online right now.
Father Bob Maguire passed today. Van and Ben discuss Bob's contributions to the community, to their own lives and to their sense of faith and solidarity. It gets emotional.
And the good news this week is that Australia has an Electric Vehicle strategy. Chris Bowen and Catherine King have announced an electric vehicle strategy to help reduce emissions, lower fuel bills and improve the quality of cars available in Australia.
As always we give shoutouts to our Cadre and Extend the Reach supporters who are making contributions on www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday plus there's a couple of other special shout outs.

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Van Badham and Ben Davison discuss Dutton's "unelectable boofheads" and their response to the resignation of now former shadow minister for Indigenous Affairs and shadow Attorney General Julian Leeser which has swung wildly from "Albo should apologise" to their media mouth pieces calling him a "traitor" and "self indulgent". What does this mean for the ever "unelectable" Liberal Party? Van and Ben take a peek at the factional swamp that Dutton lords over and offer some ideas of what might be next.
Van and Ben remind everyone that if you worked over Easter you should be getting penalty rates and to talk to your union if they don't appear on your pay slip. Join you union at australianunions.org.au/wow
While the Liberals allow their backbench to indulge in conspiracies and speculate about the effect gravity has on climate change people generally assume the Greens are a little more ideologically consistent so have been shocked that Greens have both blocked Labor's National Housing Fund, of 30,000 new homes, for not providing enough homes while simultaneously campaigning in their own seats across Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane to stop new homes being built. Including 1,300 on an old industrial estate and former barracks in Brisbane.
Van and Ben discuss how Housing is a macro and a micro issue and why the Greens talk about being the party of renters while voting with the party of landlords.
Plus a supporter from our www.buymeacoffee.com/weekonwednesday page has sent in good news about renewable energy batteries in Western Australia!